By Xapiapps | xAPI / Tin Can API, Healthcare, Medical Training

 What is xAPI?

xAPI, also known as Experience API or Tin Can xAPI, is a technology standardisation for learning technology. It’s essentially a ‘common language’ that lets learning platforms talk to one-another (share data). The premise behind the development of xAPI, is that learning occurs in more than just an LMS, and to manage that learning you need to be able to track it:

Having a common language for learning technology means that learning experiences for example, on an LMS, can be connected to other data sets, for example, work-place coaching or patient care data. This means new ways for learning managers to analyse which training is working, track how employees are developing their skills, and understand how all this relates to quality of patient care.

Why is this so important for healthcare?

Few industries have as extensive training and development needs as the healthcare industry. The combination of formal training requirements, the speed of medical technology growth, and compliance requirements are driving the need for better training analytics:

Formal training: programs range from a couple years to up to a decade of study and training. Healthcare professionals train and learn with many organisations throughout their development. Every organisation has different learning platforms and technology standards. This makes it very difficult to track learning and skills development over a career. And without tracking skills, personalised training and continuous learning opportunities cannot be offered.

Technology growth: with the exponential growth of technology, new tools and machines are regularly being introduced to healthcare workplaces. The speed of technology integration to healthcare is only going to get faster. This means learning and development is a constant in healthcare. No one stops learning. But learning managers need the tools to manage and track learning when it happens in the workplace (not just in an LSM).

Compliance: when’s people’s lives are on the line, adequate training and development is critical. Learning managers need to be able to prove compliance against increasing compliance regulations. Acknowledging that much of learning happens informally, on-the-job, if learning managers have a way of tracking this learning then compliance can be more easily met.

The future of healthcare learning and development with xAPI

xAPI is the first step to linking your organisation’s learning and development frameworks; traditional learning tools, performance management platforms, compliance tracking and business data systems:


As the diagram describes, xAPI acts as the common language between previously ‘siloed’ datasets. It also means that learning experiences can be tracked across departments or organisations. This means, for the first time, learning managers can analyse a range of cause and effect relationships and skills development requirements:

  • How training impacts on-the-job skills execution
  • Individual’s specific training needs (as discovered by on-the-job skills performance)
  • Matching up training and observation assessment frameworks to meet compliance needs
  • Offer continuous learning and personalised training experiences by tracking life-long learning and skills development
  • And much more

These are only a few of the potential benefits of an xAPI enabled future. If you’d like to see more concrete examples of how xAPI can benefit healthcare organisations, along with a real-world case study of a healthcare client using Xapimed for doctor training, download our free guide below:

Image credit: tincanapi.com

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